Confusion Into Realization

Confusion Into Realization

As I sit at my laptop, (usually with 50+ tabs up on my browser because I keep finding new and interesting things to either learn or want to eventually incorporate into my skill set) I am wondering why I am going through all this. By "this", I mean learning the proper way to write HTML to structure my UI code that I am working on. Learning how to work with CSS Grids and FlexBoxes. Trying to find the correct way to add svg elements into my work and not bog down the loading time of the page I are using it on.

Why am I asking these questions you wonder....

Sketch. Figma. XD. Vectr. FluidUI.

And those are just the popular ones.

Why do they make me question what I'm trying to nail in my head and why I am cussing over CSS grids and their properties and all that?

Because you can do the exact same thing that I'm trying to learn to do, without learning a word of code.

Because it invalidates what I am trying to do. Sure, that's the pessimist in me, but hear me out. The components are premade.

There is none of this:

Instead, you simply pick the component from a menu and plop it on the item that you are working on, state where it's going to link to, and BAM! Instantly done! No muss, no fuss!

It's a wonderful concept, don't get me wrong. I am all for ease and convenience. I am human, after all (sometimes I wonder). It just makes me confused on the rough days as to why in the world I am pushing myself so much to learn things such as that button (And I'm sure I messed up that code somehow), when I can just plop components down in the program and call it a day.

I guess that it's a matter of accomplishment perhaps. To pat myself on the back and go, "YOU made that. Not some program, not some plugin that shows a fancy menu, but me, myself, and I. That was because I took the time out to learn what to type and how it works properly.

Because after the program is outdated and forgotten, I will still be able to make that damn button.